What's inside this course

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    Let’s get started.

    • Welcome to the Mindset Quest

    • How to Use this Course

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    • Assess Your Capacity: What's On Your Plate?

    • The State Of Your Life Assessment

    • Highlights and Growth Opportunities

    • Traffic Light Reflection

    • Create Your Soul Journey Map

    • Reflection - Promises To Yourself

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    • Clarify Your Core Values

    • Design Your Personal Mission Statement

    • Your Cover Story

    • Create Your Personal Vision Statement

    • Reflection - Decide and Align

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    • Abundance Mindset Quotes

    • Seven Cures for a Lean Purse

    • Money Magnet Affirmations

    • Curate Your Community

    • Start and Sustain Your Mastermind Group

    • Your Soul Journey Map

    • Congratulations!

Our Community

This self-guided course is for creatives and career professionals such as coaches, authors, mental health professionals, entrepreneurs, youth development professionals, leaders of nonprofit organizations, parents, and all around beautiful and brilliant women who bring so much wisdom and light to their communities and the world.

Who's teaching this course?

Mindset Coach

Monica Marie Jones

My expertise in behavior, mindset and positive change coupled with deep compassion allows me to support my clients through major transitions in their lives and facilitate big breakthroughs in their careers, businesses, relationships, health and money. To put it simply, I help you to get unstuck and live out your vision of a highly successful life. Nothing fills me up more than to see my clients win.

Community & Connection

Leave each session feeling inspired and equipped with tools, resources, and ideas to help you reach your goals.