What's inside this course

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    Let’s get started.

    • Welcome to the Mindset Quest

    • How to Use this Course

    • Mindset Mastery Movement Launch Party! (Community Orientation)

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    • Assess Your Capacity: What's On Your Plate?

    • The State Of Your Life Assessment

    • Highlights and Growth Opportunities

    • Traffic Light Reflection

    • Create Your Soul Journey Map

    • Reflection - Promises To Yourself

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    • Clarify Your Core Values

    • Design Your Personal Mission Statement

    • Your Cover Story

    • Create Your Personal Vision Statement

    • Reflection - Decide and Align

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    • Abundance Mindset Quotes

    • Seven Cures for a Lean Purse

    • Money Magnet Affirmations

    • Curate Your Community

    • Start and Sustain Your Mastermind Group

    • Your Soul Journey Map

    • Congratulations!

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    Problem-Solving Mastermind Sessions

    • Restorative Problem-Solving

    • Collaborative Problem-Solving

    • Root Cause Analysis Problem-Solving

    • Prioritizing Boundaries and Manifestation Behaviors

    • Time Reimagined

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    Weekly Group Coaching Sessions

    • What's On Your Plate Right Now?

    • Reflections and Revelations

    • Traffic Light Your Life

    • Your Soul Journey Map

    • Your Personal Core Values

    • Your Personal Mission Statement

    • Your Personal Vision Statement

    • Soul Journey Alignment Check

    • Community Capital

    • Confident Money

    • Manifest and Manage Your Money

    • Your Money Mindset Map

    • Abundance Alignment Check

    • Your Circle of Influence

    • Making Your Mastermind Group

    • Your Personal Board of Directors

    • Mastermind Alignment Check

    • How Boundaries Keep You Safe

    • Self-Preservation

    • Cultivating Joy

    • The Voice of Love

    • Planning for the Pivot

    • Block Your Buffers

    • Designate Your Days

    • The Color Code

    • Planning Alignment Check

    • Priority Sorting

    • The Yes Test

    • The Focus Funnel

    • Finding Your Accountabilibuddy

    • Saying Yes to You: Accountability to Yourself

    • Accountability in Action: Open Coaching

    • The Overflow

    • Space and Grace

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    Monthly Masterclasses

    • Design Your Year

    • The Art of Healing

    • Your Personal Constitution

    • Abundance Mindset

    • Milestone Momentum Mastermind

    • Grief and Loss Featuring Beyoncé Knowles-Carter

    • Planner Play

    • The Art of Productivity

    • Finding Your Why to Sustain Accountability

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    • REVEAL Retreat - Ladies Night In: Luxurious Slumber Extravaganza

    • DEAL Retreat - Glamping Under the Stars

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    Bonus Content

    • Your Personal V2MOM

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    Resource Library

    • Mindset Quest Program Guide

    • 8 Coping Strategies for Challenging Times

    • Master Your Mindset and Connect With Your Soul Workbook (31 Daily Journal Prompts, Questions, and Affirmations)

Our Community

Our community is an intentionally curated group of creatives and career professionals such as coaches, authors, mental health professionals, entrepreneurs, youth development professionals, leaders of nonprofit organizations, parents, and all around beautiful and brilliant women who bring so much wisdom and light to this movement and the world.

Who's teaching this course?

Mindset Coach

Monica Marie Jones

My expertise in behavior, mindset and positive change coupled with deep compassion allows me to support my clients through major transitions in their lives and facilitate big breakthroughs in their careers, businesses, relationships, health and money. To put it simply, I help you to get unstuck and live out your vision of a highly successful life. Nothing fills me up more than to see my clients win.

Community & Connection

During our time together we deepen our bonds, build trust, and leverage one another's strengths so that we leave each session feeling inspired and equipped with tools, resources, and ideas to help us reach our goals.